How Do You Thicken Canned Cream Corn?

Creamed corn is a staple in many kitchens, known for its rich flavor and versatility. However, canned creamed corn can sometimes come out a little runny, making it less than ideal for recipes that call for a thicker, creamier consistency. Whether you’re using it as a side dish, a component in a larger recipe, or simply trying to improve its texture, knowing how to thicken canned creamed corn can make all the difference.

In this article, we’ll explore a variety of methods to thicken canned creamed corn, ranging from pantry staples like cornstarch and flour to natural techniques such as simmering or blending. With these tips and tricks, you can easily achieve the perfect consistency for your canned creamed corn, ensuring it tastes great every time. Plus, we’ll share some internal linking opportunities to related recipes that could enhance your culinary experience!

Why Is Canned Cream Corn Sometimes Runny?

How Do You Thicken Canned Cream Corn

Before diving into the thickening methods, it’s essential to understand why canned creamed corn can sometimes have a runny consistency. When manufacturers prepare canned creamed corn, they often add water or brine during the preservation process. This extra liquid can dilute the thickness and creaminess that homemade versions typically boast. Additionally, the natural starches in the corn may break down over time, contributing to the thinner texture.

The goal of thickening is to return the corn to a state where its rich, creamy texture shines through. You might want to thicken canned creamed corn to improve its presentation or make it more suitable for specific dishes, such as casseroles, cornbread, or chowders.

Benefits of Thickening Creamed Corn

Thickened creamed corn isn’t just about improving the look of the dish. There are several practical reasons to aim for a thicker consistency:

  • Enhanced Texture: Thickened creamed corn has a more appealing, hearty texture that works better as a standalone side dish or an ingredient in other recipes.
  • Better in Recipes: Thicker creamed corn is more versatile in recipes, as it won’t make the final dish too soupy or dilute the flavors of other ingredients.
  • Increased Stability: When using canned creamed corn in baked goods or casseroles, a thicker consistency helps it hold together better during cooking, resulting in a more cohesive dish.

Thickening Agents for Canned Cream Corn

How Do You Thicken Canned Cream Corn

One of the easiest ways to thicken canned creamed corn is by using common thickening agents found in most kitchens. Below are some of the most effective options:

1. Cornstarch

Cornstarch is one of the most popular and reliable thickening agents. It’s widely available, flavorless, and effective in small amounts. Here’s how you can use cornstarch to thicken your canned creamed corn:

  1. Create a Slurry: In a small bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of cornstarch with 1 tablespoon of cold water to form a slurry. This prevents clumping when added to the hot corn.
  2. Heat the Corn: Pour the canned creamed corn into a saucepan and heat over medium heat.
  3. Stir in the Slurry: Slowly stir the cornstarch slurry into the warm corn. Continue to stir until the mixture thickens, which should take just a few minutes.

2. Flour

Similar to cornstarch, make a slurry with flour and water. Stir into the corn and heat until thickened. Flour may slightly alter the taste and texture, so use it sparingly. For more about using flour as a thickener, check out how it plays a role in this creamy tomato basil soup recipe.

  1. Make a Slurry: Mix 1 tablespoon of flour with 1 tablespoon of water in a small bowl to form a slurry.
  2. Heat the Corn: Pour the canned creamed corn into a saucepan and heat over medium heat.
  3. Add the Slurry: Stir in the flour slurry and cook until the mixture thickens.

If you’re interested in learning more about how flour works in various dishes, check out our recipe for corn fritters with creamed corn, where we explore its use in binding ingredients and enhancing texture.

3. Arrowroot Powder

If you’re looking for a gluten-free option, arrowroot powder is an excellent alternative. Similar to cornstarch, arrowroot is flavorless and creates a smooth, thick texture without altering the taste of the corn.

  1. Create a Slurry: Mix 1 tablespoon of arrowroot powder with 1 tablespoon of cold water.
  2. Heat the Corn: Pour the creamed corn into a saucepan and heat over medium heat.
  3. Stir in the Slurry: Add the arrowroot slurry, stirring until the corn thickens.

4. Cream Cheese

For a thicker, richer consistency, you can also use cream cheese. Not only does it thicken the creamed corn, but it also adds a luxurious, creamy flavor.

  1. Soften the Cream Cheese: Let 2-3 tablespoons of cream cheese come to room temperature, or microwave it for a few seconds until softened.
  2. Heat the Corn: Pour the creamed corn into a saucepan and heat over medium heat.
  3. Stir in the Cream Cheese: Add the softened cream cheese to the corn and stir until fully melted and the corn reaches the desired thickness.

This technique works particularly well if you want to transform your creamed corn into a more decadent dish, perfect for pairing with heartier main courses.

5. Instant Mashed Potatoes

Instant mashed potato flakes are a quick and effective way to thicken canned creamed corn. They dissolve easily and help absorb the excess liquid without altering the flavor too much.

  1. Heat the Corn: Pour the creamed corn into a saucepan and heat over medium heat.
  2. Add the Potato Flakes: Gradually stir in instant mashed potato flakes, about 1-2 tablespoons at a time, until the mixture thickens to your liking.

This method is great if you’re in a pinch and need to thicken the corn quickly.

Natural Thickening Methods

How Do You Thicken Canned Cream Corn

If you prefer not to use additional ingredients, there are several natural methods you can employ to thicken canned creamed corn. These methods take a bit more time but yield equally satisfying results.

1. Simmering

One of the simplest ways to thicken canned creamed corn is by simmering it over low heat. As the liquid evaporates, the corn will naturally thicken. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Heat the Corn: Pour the canned creamed corn into a saucepan and heat over low to medium heat.
  2. Simmer and Stir: Allow the corn to simmer gently, stirring occasionally to prevent it from burning. After 10-15 minutes, the liquid should reduce, and the mixture will thicken.

This method is particularly useful if you want to thicken the corn without adding any additional flavors or ingredients.

2. Blending

Another natural thickening method is blending a portion of the corn to create a thicker base. This works particularly well if you like a smoother texture:

  1. Scoop Out a Portion: Using a ladle, scoop out about 1/3 of the creamed corn and transfer it to a blender or food processor.
  2. Blend Until Smooth: Blend the corn until smooth and creamy.
  3. Stir Back In: Stir the blended corn back into the saucepan with the remaining corn. This will naturally thicken the mixture without needing any additional ingredients.

Blending is a great option if you prefer a smoother, creamier texture but want to maintain the pure corn flavor.

3. Egg Yolks

Another method to thicken creamed corn is by using egg yolks. This technique is slightly more advanced but adds a rich, custard-like texture to the dish.

  1. Whisk Egg Yolks: In a small bowl, whisk two egg yolks until smooth.
  2. Temper the Yolks: Slowly ladle some of the hot creamed corn into the yolks while whisking continuously. This prevents the eggs from scrambling when added to the hot mixture.
  3. Stir into the Corn: Pour the tempered yolks back into the saucepan with the rest of the corn, stirring continuously until the mixture thickens.

This method works particularly well if you’re looking to create a more luxurious, velvety texture for your creamed corn.

Step-by-Step Recipe for Thickening Canned Cream Corn

Now that we’ve covered the various thickening methods, here’s a simple, step-by-step recipe you can follow to thicken your canned creamed corn using whichever method you prefer.


  • 1 can of creamed corn
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch, flour, or arrowroot powder
  • 1 tablespoon cold water (for slurry)
  • Optional: 2-3 tablespoons cream cheese or instant mashed potato flakes


  1. Open the Can: Pour the canned creamed corn into a medium-sized saucepan.
  2. Choose Your Thickening Method: Depending on the method you’re using (cornstarch, flour, or arrowroot), mix 1 tablespoon of the thickener with 1 tablespoon of cold water to create a slurry.
  3. Heat the Corn: Heat the corn over medium heat, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.
  4. Add the Thickener: Slowly stir the thickening slurry into the heated corn. Continue stirring until the mixture reaches the desired thickness.
  5. Optional Add-ins: If you’re using cream cheese or instant mashed potatoes, stir them in now and continue cooking until fully incorporated.
  6. Serve and Enjoy: Once the creamed corn has thickened, remove it from the heat and serve as a side dish or use it as an ingredient in your favorite recipes.

For more tips on using thickened creamed corn in other dishes, check out our guide on brown butter honey roasted carrots, which pairs wonderfully with this creamy dish.

Common Mistakes When Thickening Cream Corn

While thickening canned creamed corn is relatively simple, there are a few common mistakes to watch out for:

  • Over-thickening: Adding too much thickener can result in a pasty texture. If this happens, simply stir in a small amount of milk or cream to loosen the mixture.
  • Clumping: If you don’t dissolve the thickening agent in cold water first, you may end up with clumps. Always mix the thickening agent with water to form a slurry before adding it to the hot corn.
  • Using the Wrong Thickener: Some thickeners, like flour, can alter the flavor of the corn. If you want to avoid changing the taste, stick to more neutral options like cornstarch or arrowroot.


Can I Use Heavy Cream to Thicken Canned Cream Corn?

Yes, heavy cream can add both thickness and richness to canned creamed corn. Simply stir in a few tablespoons and simmer until it thickens.

How Long Does It Take to Thicken Creamed Corn?

Depending on the method you choose, thickening can take anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes. Be patient and stir frequently.

What Is the Best Method for Thickening Without Changing Flavor?

Using cornstarch or arrowroot is ideal for thickening without altering the flavor.

Can I Use a Slow Cooker to Thicken Cream Corn?

Yes, you can thicken canned creamed corn in a slow cooker by simmering it on low heat for several hours, allowing the excess liquid to evaporate.

Does Adding Butter Help with Thickening?

While butter doesn’t directly thicken, it can add a velvety texture and enhance the overall flavor of the dish.


Thickening canned creamed corn is a simple and effective way to enhance the texture and flavor of this beloved dish. Whether you prefer to use pantry staples like cornstarch and flour or opt for natural methods such as simmering or blending, you can easily achieve the perfect consistency. Remember, you can experiment with different thickening agents to find the one that best suits your taste and needs.

Read also how to make Creamy Corn Casserole.

Once you’ve mastered these thickening techniques, you’ll find that thickened creamed corn is a versatile ingredient that can be used in everything from casseroles to cornbread. So the next time you open a can of creamed corn, don’t hesitate to make it even better by thickening it to perfection.

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